โ Hi there Tarot friends, I was sick for a few days last week, and boy am I out of it! I feel like Rip Van Winkle - I'm back but I have no earthly idea what is going on. I was thinking about 2025 and what it might bring, and discovered 2025 is a 9 year. 2+0+2+5=9 The Hermit - card 9 of the Major Arcana. Rip is a bit of a Hermit type figure, is he not? When I looked up the actual story, I discovered the detail that Rip was asleep for 20 years. During that time, the American Revolution takes place. When he awakens, he returns to a world he no longer recognizes. Right now we are in the final stages of the United States Pluto return, which harkens back to the Revolutionary war. I think we find the same tinge of death-rebirth-and change we didn't ask for in the air. Add to the mix that 2025 hosts several outer planet shifts into new signs, which means major changes ahead. But going back to our Tarot reference of the Hermit (or Rip Van Winkle), I think the advice is that you might want to take a nap for 2025. Of course I don't mean that literally! But what I am saying is the 9 is the end of a cycle. So even with the massive changes ahead in 2025, there will be more to follow. The American Revolution happened without Rip's participation, or even knowledge of it. I think the advice of the Hermit as the 2025 collective year card, is to turn inward and let the cycle move and change and complete around you. What do YOU know to be true for YOU? Use the lantern of inner wisdom to guide you, not the chaos and commentary you see around you. The Hermit is also about self improvement and personal growth. So anything you can do to make yourself a better human is favored, and that includes learning and working with Tarot! So now let's take a look at how the minor arcana 9's might play out in 20259 of cups - the make a wish card! "To prosper, align your desires with fate". This comes from T. Susan Chang's 36 Secrets. I really like her interpretation. She is saying don't make wishes willy-nilly. Use your senses to determine where and how your fate is showing up and make wishes accordingly. 9 of pentacles - you have what you need card This card is reassuring for financial matters. The key with this card is don't be a perfectionist. Know when to call it good and move on. 9 of wands - hang in there baby! This card echoes the sentiment that we need to hang on with strength as everything shifts around us. And it also heralds the completion of projects. So there is no need to be worried. 9 of swords - the nightmare card We might call this card the Lord of Anxiety and Worry. Use the strength of the 9 of wands to not get sucked into the memes, the drama, the commentary, the opinions... Keep your attention on the locus of control you have, which is yourself. One Final ObservationDid you notice that there is only a single person in each of the cards? I think this is emphasizing that 2025 is a year to turn inward and spend some quality time with yourself. Does this mean you can't get married or date in 2025? Absolutely not! It's just that the general energy trend is on turning inward and wrapping up. If you'd like me to look at your personal 2025 with a year ahead reading, just click the button! (and scroll to Year Ahead)
Your 2025 will most likely be a different card and number than the general energies of 2025 which I just discussed. And even if it's the same, we can dig into your personal astrology and card layout for the year. โ โ -Cassandra the Card Reader โ |